Desperate Cry for Japan!

Dear Friends,

Let's pray for Japan.

Lord, send workers to Japan. Send people who have a heart for the Japanese to take the good news of Jesus Christ to them. Stir the hearts of your people (both men and women) who would look at the Japanese people, especially the young people, with hearts of compassion. Oh! that the Japanese would know there is hope and meaning in Christ Jesus. That they would not snuff out their lives through suicides. Send messengers of hope and arrest this tide of hopelessness and meaningless death. May not the bright and lustre-filled technology of Japan blind us to the desperate cry for meaning and life in the Japanese soul. May a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit take hold of the Japanese people and cause them to believe and turn to the Lord. The gospel is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes... How could they believe if they have not heard?... How could they hear if they do not 
have someone preaching to them?... How could they preach unless they are sent! So send forth your workers from the East, from the North, from the West and from the South. In Jesus Name Amen!

Thank you for praying with me.

