JCF Tokyo
Hi. For those of you just about to arrive in Japan or who live close enough to Tokyo to join us, I thought I'd let you know that there will be morning prayer in one of the rooms at orientation (Abidemi has the name of the room or you can ask at the AJET secretariat) on the Mon., Tues. and Wed. mornings of both orientation A and B and JCF night out will happen after the welcome dinner both Mon. nights and around dinner time both Tues. nights. For those, we'll meet in the lobby (maybe near the bottom of the escalators or by the cloak check) and then go from there (prob'ly to Shinjuku i-land patio because it's close, so it's harder to get lost. If you're not sure how to find us, you can call my keitai at 090-4175-8038. God bless.
Deb R.
CDTS Training
I received a letter from YWAM Penang, where they are calling to raise fund for Jovita to attend CDTS course in Penang. Jovita is not a missionary yet, she had been one of our faithful prayer partner in Heart4Japan. CDTS is a path where she is preparing herself to Japan. If you are thinking of supporting her in finance or prayers, please feel free to contact her at this email address, leong_kenyuen@yahoo.com. Bless you!
We are writing to introduce the course of training that Jovita Leong Ken Yuen has applied to with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Penang from 12/08/09 to Jan 2010. The Crossroads Discipleship Training School (CDTS) is a course uniquely designed for adults aged 35 and above who want to be better equipped to share their passion for God with others. This course is conducted in a mentoring environment designed to be an optimum opportunity to allow our students to be spiritually renewed and receive fresh vision for their lives from the Lord.
YWAM's passion is to know God and make Him known to all nations and our CDTS training course actively trains individuals to minister in their spheres of influence. Students with our school develop a closer walk with God as their Father and grow in their obedience to Christ as the Lord of every aspect of their lives. We find that they are then equipped to share their faith out of the overflow of their experience of God's contagious love and goodness.
Our course is divided into two parts. The first part is the lecture phase in which students receive twelve weeks of teaching about God's character and our response to who He is. The second part consists of an eight week outreach phase in which our students will be given an opportunity to further apply the things they have been learning. As a multicultural outreach team, they will see the transforming power of God's grace firsthand as they serve and minister to others.
For many of the students who come to us at a "crossroads" juncture in their lives, the CDTS is springboard to jumping into a second career in missions. For others, it is a springboard into a deeper, more fulfilling and intimate relationship with the Lord and they return to their homes with renewed commitment to daily follow the Lord's leading.
Jovita feels the Lord has prompted her to apply to take this course and is working diligently to come up with as much of the funds as she can. The course is about two weeks away from starting and she has communicated to us that she is still short on the required fees.
We are writing to you, on behalf of Jovita, to ask if you would just pray and ask the Lord if you should be a part of donating a certain sum of money to this cause. Please feel free to ask Jovita (012-9142937) any questions you have about her motives for taking this course and how she has worked to gather the funds needed.
We have been praying for all of our students and feel that Jovita is to be a part of this school. We also know that often God will prompt churches or individuals in our student's lives to help them realize this goal financially. This is one of the ways the Lord uses the body of Christ in being in fellowship with one another.
Thank you for considering this opportunity,
Bruce & Beverly Blatz
CDTS Leaders
YWAM Penang
God is Faithful
Hi Everyone.
I am glad to inform you that my training for English proficiency for Call Center is over. It really helps me improve my English, though, I still need to polish my English and more vocabularies to memorize. As you may know, I haven't gotten a full time job and still struggling but God is really good, He is faithful in meeting my everyday necessities. I just found out that it's just a perfect situation for me to have a goo focus in my studies.
I went to University of the Philippines this morning for my Japanese language class that I am taking very soon, and I drop by to Education building to check if there is already result for my application for Teaching English as Second language next semester, and I found out that my transcript of record is qualified enough for the course. It's really awesome, isn't it? and I was like I want to jump in joy when I heard it from the registrar personnel. But I would like to encourage you to continue praying for me because it's not yet final, there will be another screening in oder to grant my application. Pray also for provision. By the first week of August, I am going to enroll at UP Linguistics Department for Japanese language class while still enhancing my English.
This is all for now. Thank you so much for praying.
In the service of the Lord,
- 今年短宣隊的成員是:學園同工廖惠滿、方琳鈁、
在美國工作的日本電器 (NEC)員工裴瑞、從美國的大學畢業的學生博鈞、學園團契的學生語慧、品琇、敏華、 5章與孝慈。雖然每位隊員都來自不同的地方,有迥然相異的性格, 甚至帶著不同的文化背景,但是,在神的愛之中,短宣才開始不久, 我們就彼此熟悉了起來,也漸漸培養出共同事奉的默契。 七月三日晚上,隊上因為一些事件而產生爭執, 但神仍然在我們當中行了奇妙的工作,使我們更加認識、 接納彼此的不同!那時,聖靈引導、光照我們,使我們認罪,饒恕, 悔改,並重新接納彼此;藉由這個事件,神使我們經歷了雅各書 16 節所說的:「所以你們要彼此認罪、互相代求、使你們可以得醫治。義人祈禱所發的力量、是大有功效的。」此後, 神真的更新了我們的心思意念,團隊的氣氛也更加融洽, 隊員們更加確定是神親自揀選了短宣隊裡的每一位成員, 更能合一地事奉神。願主繼續幫助我們!
- 六月29日是我們抵達東京的第三天,日本學園傳道會的「
西東京同工隊」為我們預備了一場短宣的說明會, 與我們分享目前日本學園傳道會的事工情況, 並且指示我們當如何在校園之中與日本大學生建立友誼。 日本同工們的友善、熱情、與他們深深愛日本的心非常激勵我們。 由這次說明會,我們知道東京大都會之中約有七十萬名大學生, 占全國大學生的四分之一( 全國大學生人口則是佔總人口的百分之二)。比起這麼龐大的數目, 今日委身於大學生事工裡的真正重生得救的基督徒實在是太少了。 因此,日本同工們一直在禱告的一件事情就是:「神呀! 我們如何能將祢的道有效地傳給東京地區這麼多的學生們, 甚至是這個地區其他年齡層、從事其他職業的日本人呢?」 一直以來,日本學園傳道會也不時調整事工方式與策略, 願與神親密同工,得著失喪的靈魂。請為日本學園傳道會禱告, 願神打發更多工人來收割這些發白的莊稼。
- 感謝神使我們在過去一週陸陸續續與津田塾女子大學、
東京外國語大學、及學藝大學的學生交上朋友。 Taiwan Party。請為這群我們接觸過的學生禱告,只有極少數的學生拒絕我們,或以冷淡的態度面對我們; 大部份我們所遇到的日本大學生都是很有禮貌且友善的。 這些學生當中,有些已經決定要來參加七月九日的 也為我們將來即將要接觸的日本學生禱告! Taiwan Party的籌備也蒙主祝福!願神在這些學生心中工作,賜他們得救的智慧,也賜我們能力, 使我們能把握機會傳講福音,
- 短宣期間,我們與學藝大學、東京外國語大學、
以及津田塾大學的基督徒學生們見面,他們也會參與下禮拜四的 Taiwan Party 的籌備,與我們一起準備台灣美食,一起獻詩。這些學生雖然為數真的不多, I但他們對神對人的愛心卻深深激勵著我們。他們當中不乏僅信主一、 兩年的基督徒學生, 但這些學生卻明顯地活出了對神的愛還有傳福音的心志。 其中一個激勵我們的見證是:有一位信主兩年的國際基督教大學( nternational Christian University )的學生Yusuke,不久以前,因為在校園裡傳福音而被校方召見, Yusuke仍然相信傳福音是神的心意,連續兩天同時被五位校方的師長質問為何在校園裡傳福音, 並且被禁止再繼續這樣做,學園同工們也不可以再進入這所學校。 但是,禱告之後, 認為不應該停止這間學校的福音工作。 ICU裡面熱心的基督徒教職在這樣看似困難重重的情況之中, 神奇妙地藉由他所學校的基督徒教授與 員,再次打開了福音的門,賜給 Yusuke和學園同工傳福音的機會。感謝神賜下強健的信心給現有的基督徒學生! 請為這些寶貴的學生禱告,願神繼續建造他們, 使用他們來成就神對日本的心意!
- 目前我們正緊鑼密鼓地籌備下週的佈道會(Taiwan Party)!博鈞、敏華、孝慈、
與裴瑞四人負責聚會的設計與聯絡。我們會預備台灣美食(炒米粉、 滷肉飯、珍珠奶茶、愛玉冰、芝蔴糊)、 台灣的學生常玩的團康遊戲、短劇、見證、並獻詩。有一位美國同工 Scott 會講道,清楚地分享福音。求神給我們愛心、信心、與需用的智慧,使這場佈道會可以榮耀主的名。
- 孝慈的爺爺在短宣期間的六月三十日因病逝世了。
請為孝慈與孝慈的家人禱告,願神親自安慰、保護他們全家。 也求神保護短宣隊員與短宣隊員的家人!
- 願神使我們可以一直保持充足的體力!
由於今年短宣隊僅於東京停留兩週半,而事工的內容十分充實, 所以我們的時間表時常都是緊湊的。願神使隊長惠滿姊有智慧, 可以明白如何妥善規劃、運用我們的時間,隊員們也保持一顆積極、 儆醒、順服的心。
- 求神保護我們的事工安全。短宣隊員抵達以前,
日本同工們就已向津田塾女子大學提出了入校許可的申請, 但校方並未核准。因此, 目前我們是在校方尚未批准的情況下進入學校接觸學生。另外, 最近東京外國語大學也張貼佈告表示, 如果學生在學校遇到奇怪的宗教團體,一定要主動向學校舉發。 我們相信,當我們在學校內事工時, 保護著我們的並不是校方的態度或我們的策略, 上帝祂自己才是我們真正的保護者。 願神祝福我們這一週在校園內的服事, 無論在怎樣的情況下我們都可以勇敢事奉神。
- 這一週我們會繼續在校園裡認識新朋友、邀約、
並把握機會傳講福音。求神使我們可以遇見那些預備好心, 對基督信仰有興趣的學生領袖們,並帶領他們來聽福音。
博文 (Atom)