Back in Hong Kong
The research on Hikikomori is on the run. I had openned an account in 2 famous Japanese website, getting contacts and speaking to people about Hikikomori - People who socially withdraw themselves and retreat into their rooms, for more than six months, not having a legitimate status such as student, trainee, or workers.
It's amazing to see how the Lord is slowly turning this into a ministry.
There are always a few options in this period of training and waiting:
1. Finish the research fast, get the basic qualification of master degree, and quickly seek an entrance to Japan.
2. Continue to explore every single issue, write an excellent dissertation, develop a new theory, get connect with people, challenge existing ideas. Be an expert of this field, thus this will take me longer to Japan.
3. Be equipped in the local church, taking up task in training new force and introducing missions.
4. Be committed to the dormitory, and motivate the Christians Associations towards missions and Heart4Japan.
Can I do all four? Or can I concentrate on only one? I learned one thing that I'm not a superbeing, yet needs are huge.......
Putting aside the plans, I am co-leading the bilingual Alpha study with the mainlanders in the church starting next month. It's a 3 months project, something that is urgent and in need.
I do need your prayers!
1. Increase of my Japanese ability.
2. Increase of God's wisdom,
3. Spirit Discerenment.
4. Financial Provisions
異象引證 未得之民並不只在第三世界
異象引證 未得之民並不只在第三世界以往提到宣教工場,很多人會想到缺乏物質的一群:東南亞、非洲等地。說到日本,我們會想到高科技、潮流玩意和各式各樣的美食。但揭開繁華富裕的包裝紙後,我們看見的竟是一個個孤獨脆弱的心靈。
「到日本宣教的異象是在第一次短宣時領受的。地方是名古屋的ICBC教會。尚在初信階段的我,只是帶著嘗試和參與宣教的心而去,當時聽到石原良人牧師的分享,非常感動。一次隊員集會時,我在禱告中領受了圖畫:在大片的向日葵田野, 一邊的花朝向太陽而生,同時在另一邊的花正不斷枯死。在田中央有一個人在哭。神問我願不願意代表衪去愛日本—一個曾經侵略中國的國家,我便回應了神的呼召。」
志基在九年前始有宣教負擔。「我覺得香港人能回應宣教是一種福份。初時在教會中擔任實習組長、組長等職務,從中學習服事人,幾年後修讀SCM(細胞小組事奉訓練學院一年制神學課程)。在講啟示的一課,我們自由地彼此代禱,有四個不太認識的人分別向我說出啟示:去宣教、一對白鴿、足球小將和日本國旗。」收到這個特別的啓示,志基便決定到日本短宣時求神引證。「我希望自己喜歡日本人,享受服事他們。旅程的五天過去了,言語不通,完全不能服事,還以為自己收錯了神的訊息。也許又受到Beyond的歌影響, 總覺得應該去第三世界,再過一天,奇蹟出現了,一個日本女子幫我們翻譯,我非常高興,還向牧師借了車來學習駕駛。 在短宣完結前,還順利帶了一個日本人信主,我亦因此決定到這裡長宣。」
啟發生命 灌溉封閉心靈現時Joyce和志基服事的教會名為水橋聖書教會,由一位年青的牧師Joshua帶領,教會很強調接納的天國觀念,因此教會中有不同國籍的人,亦有各年齡階層,相對其他教會更有活力和創新。他們正融入多個小組:中國人、夫婦、職青等群體,更組織了專服事男士的小組。今年是首次在日本開辦事奉訓練課程,由Zoe(長宣隊隊長)主力教導,他們幫助帶領。在不時舉行的新朋友聚會,志基還會親自下廚。
但志基對此仍感樂觀。「可能是神給宣教士的禮物,年青人都願意與他們分享生命,可以很坦白地談及深入的話題,因此要影響他們的生命並不困難,只是沒有人和他們一起探索。」 二人同行 共渡困難時刻雖然日本似乎有很多為人熟悉的東西,但要學習適應新生活還是有困難的,夫婦二人一同宣教有什麼好處或難題呢? 「初到陌生地方,語言、生活所需也要重新學習。人像是又盲又聾又跛。很多事情也需要別人照顧,因此心情有時很煩躁,令二人也有不快。但之後我們也決定用正面的態度面對,先安撫自己的情緒,冷靜分析問題所在。後來才發現是因為對新環境無安全感,反映了自我形象,渴望對方照顧自己,便向對方表達了無理的請求。現在再遇到了壞情緒,也會先叫自己先冷靜,保持鎮定,凡事以關係為先。「家人對宣教士的關顧也是非常重要,在非常時刻,Joyce就和一位在香港的姊妹保持聯繫,一起守望禱告。」
「將僅有的給神,得到最大祝福的是我們。」 自歷史的因素,中國人也許沒有想過要愛日本人,或者如我們所知的,日本人一無所缺。但這個充斥了物質的社會,道德觀念在崩潰,人們內心無從可依,這也是一種貧窮。在香港,接觸福音的機會多不勝數,而日本正等著更多播種和牧養的工人,像富山這樣沒有福音的城市,在日本還有一千七百多個。
阿朗 記於07年3月1日(转载自CCMN网站)
Keep on praying for the church in Japan!
Dearly Beloved,
Calvary greetings from Mokpo in South Korea.
I missed writing for such a long time. I just realized it’s taken this long. I’m so sorry that it has been quite a while since you got my last update updated and newsletter. it’s been quite a busy and interesting time out here in the fields but one thing has always been outstanding all the way and that’s God’s faithfulness in both little and big things.
Praise Points
We saw God’s faithfulness in amazing ways in the 7weeks of our ministry in Japan. We were extensively involved in prayer mobilization for this spiritually needy country of Japan months before our arrival in may and through the whole time, we saw God at work in amazing ways via the various onboard programmes for school kids, Elderly people, pastor’s conferences, church visits, English conversation classes and the various friendship building programmes and several informal meeting and outings.
Praise the Lord for the people the came to know that Lord personally during the time we were there.
Praise the Lord for Students that were touched and affected in some ways by our lives and testimonies in the several campuses we visited.
Praise the Lord for the few Churches in Japan that were greatly encouraged and challenged to be excited about the Lord and challenged to be involved in reaching out for souls as well by our visit
I can go on and on God was all together faithful…thanks for praying with us.
It’s really hard to single out an event to consider as the highlight because the whole time was basically awesome, even with what seem to be a lowlight we saw God at work.
Maybe I should talk about our two week A-team outreach in Osaka. That was one of the amazing times we had in Japan. It was such a great time of sharing not just the gospel but in a more practical way sharing the love of God via our lives as well. We saw lives impacted in significant ways as we build friendship with the youths in Osaka especially in students in Osaka University of Arts, Kansai Bible institute, English conversation classes and hanging out with some of them for a cup of coffee and in dinner fellowships.
Throughout our programmes we simply realized how much lonely and desperately needy Japanese people are spiritually, and how that God needs His people elsewhere to not just be deceived by the apparent “material prosperity” and neglect the crying realities that are causing over thirty thousand youths to commit suicide every year and several others too numerous than we can imaging, struggling with deep depression.
In summary God reminded us again that it’s all about Him and not about us…so just the little at our disposal-our little testimonies, time and wiliness…and the rest is trust and obey Him and for real He was faithful.
We learnt so much about how God could actually speak to the heart of people without even us doing the speaking…we had situations where we couldn’t communicate because of the language barrier but it was interesting how God reach out to these people anyway.. His love for sure is stronger that life and louder than human voice.
Prayer points.
Keep on praying for the church in Japan that believers will be bold to live for Jesus as many of then are afraid to talk about their faith to their friends and colleagues at work.
Pray that God will continue to work in the heart of the people who came to know Him via our ministry in Japan.
Pray for one of the young ladies that came to know the Lord via our ministry, whose cousin and close friend just committed suicide who also has a struggle with deep depressing always.
Thanks a lot for your partnership in the Gospel of our Lord in so many ways especially standing with us in the place of prayer. The place of prayer in mission is the heart of missions.
I’ll send the updates of our Korea visit latter thanks
God bless you and remain a blessing to your generation.
With you in His Service,
和歌山 Wakayama (領隊: 麥貞)
23-25/7我們參與了一個青年camp去服侍教會的青年人, 感恩可以祝福到當地的青年人!我們亦參與了很多小組及鼓勵弟兄姊妹, 外展及行區祈禱, 29/7 的香港party有50人參加, 感謝主! 請為未信主的人的心祈禱.
今個星期我們去大學的中學接觸學生, 星期五再有香港party去跟進他們, 請祈禱求主開路.
滋賀 Shiga (領隊:kitling)
有6位隊員及2位當地教會同工昨晚開車去了新潟 - 幾星期前地震發生的地方服侍, 由於車程很長, 非常需要大家祈禱求主保護他們!
Skin Cancers
Please pray for our 28 year old daughter, Rachel, has she has a skin cancer removed from her lip on Wed. morning. The Dr. is a little concerned since she is so young and it is in such a strange location.
Rachel teaches 4 year olds and she is concerned that after surgery herface may be scary for "her kids". Bless her heart. Also when they did the biopsy it was very painful so she is really dreading this surgery.
Some of you know that Charlie has had several skin cancers and somefairly aggressive surgery done in the past for them. I think Rachel fears this is only the beginning of many to come. The Dr. will perform the same surgery on Rachel as was done on Charlie. Where they take what they see of the cancer and then look at it through the microscope and besure they have it all. If not, then they go back and take more untilthey are sure it is completely removed.
Please pray this will only be Basil cell and nothing more serious.
Pray for her to have as little pain as possible for such a sensitive area.
God continues to bless our family. As we prepare to start the newchurch in TN in August pray for God to provide the people He wants to beinvolved and the finances which we need to get started.
HE IS FAITHFUL! To HIM Be ALL Glory and Honor,
Darlene and Charlie
日本短宣队CCMN - Short term missions
(領隊Leader: Kitling)
在車站及購物中心外展,接觸了100個人, 有18個信主,yeah!
The team was doing outreach at the bus terminal and shopping center, spoke to 100 people, and 18 accepted the Lord. Yeah!
However because of not having enough rest, the team started to get sick. Ask God to give us time to rest, and quality sleep.
日本福井 Fukui, Japan
(領隊/ Leader: 秀秀)
請為我們跟進參加party的日本人祈禱, 我們繼續會探訪一些家庭及外展, 請記念!
The team requested prayers for their followup of the Japanese who came to the party. They will also continue to do some family visitation and outreach. Do remember them!
If you like to receive more of these news as 1st party, you may like to contact CCMN (Cell Church Mission Network) .
30 July, 2007
Ministry in August

The time for ministry in Malaysia is less than a week away! I have team members joining me from Singapore and from Jerusalem (my ministry partner for over 20 years, Emile Vandermerwe)!
Let’s thank God for all the plans He has made and for His intentions during this time, for He is good and His love endures forever!
The overall schedule is below. The focus is simple yet difficult (nothing is too difficult for God, of course): turn the hearts of people back to Jesus!
Please pray for:
1) Safety and health for me and all ministry partners, churches, and attendees of all events.
2) That me, my team, and all participants will be covered by the blood of Jesus and surrounded by an extraordinary presence of angelic hosts.
3) All details of travel, housing, ministry, to be covered by the blood of Jesus and to go smoothly.
4) The anointing of God on me, my team, pastors, leaders, and all of those charged with preparations so that it will all be from the Lord and not out of our “flesh.”
5) The POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT to fall on all meetings (and in between!) such that the Spirit’s “revival” will come to the churches and people of East and West Malaysia!
6) All people whom the Lord wants to attend will be able to attend every meeting; no work of the devil or his minions will be able to thwart or block the attendance and / or full anointing of God on the attendees.
7) All resistance to the Lord or demonic attack on meetings, myself or team to be bound.
8) The POWER OF GOD, THE FATHER’S LOVE, to be poured out on every meeting (the “hippo’s love letters to be delivered!”).
9) As the theme is “Jesus, Only Jesus!” that the time will be a most extraordinary outpouring of the Spirit, bringing people to Jesus (believers and non-believers alike) -- through re-commitments, conversions, and signs and wonders and miracles!
10)For all glory to go to the Father, Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit!
Schedule follows:

3 depart Honolulu Delta Airlines (op by Korean Air) # 7864 dep HNL 11:50 a.m. via Seoul, Incheon Iintl (ICN). Arr. 4:20 p.m. dep Seoul 5:30 p.m. Lose one day.
4 arr KUL Subang Intl Airport 11:15 p.m. Delta # 7911
5 FGA, located in Kota Damansara, Petaling Jaya. Sun Service is from 9.30am-11.30am.
6 Roseline Yong and intercessors for Japan
7 KL Chinese Methodist Hokkien Church (Rev Ho Yong Seng)
8 KL Chinese Methodist Hokkien Church (Rev Ho Yong Seng)
9 KL SMCC SSMC -- Public meeting (Rev Phua Seng Tiong)
10 KL SMCC camp Allson Kelana in Seremban, Negri Sembilan
11 KL SMCC camp
12 KL SMCC camp
13 dep KL, Kuala Lumpur Intl (KUL), MH 2564, 10:05 a.m. to Kuching (KCH), arr. 11:50 a.m.
14 Kuching to Miri-Mulu (Thomas Rabang)
15 Mulu - Long Terawan.
16 Long Terawan to Mulu
17 Mulu to Miri. Meeting in Miri w/ Pst Gerawat, Pst Solomon, Pst Jeffry and others.
18 dep KCH, MH 2539, 8:35 p.m. to Kuala Lumpur Intl (KUL), 10:15 p.m.
19 dep KL, Subang Intl (KUL), 12:45 a.m., Delta AL #7912 (op by Korean AL), via Seoul, Incheon Intl (ICN), arr. 8:00 a.m. Dep 8:00 p.m. to Honolulu (HNL). Arr 9:50 a.m. same day
May the Lord protect you, anoint you, grant you favor and peace as you intercede!
Dr. Joe (aka “Hippo”) Ozawa
July 29, 2007
Letter from Korea
How are you doing?
Thank you for your faithfull prayer for Japan and friendship.
And thank you that you celebrated our joy together that God blessed His Loyal Servant in Japan!
In Niigata…also we welcomed more than 30.000 people….(I’ll repot the details of Niigata later on.)
And we heard that people got to know God and were brought to Christ through the His Loyal Servant crew.
Thank you for your prayer support…you are such a awesome girl and is the one who is chosen in God’s eyes.
Yesterday we arrived in Pohang, Korea….and will open His Loyal Servant today for public.
We are expecting to have many visitor here in Christian country and to learn more prayer life so tomorrow early morning we are going to attend prayer morning meeting in big church and have break fast together…exciting!!
I also pray for you to be blessed.
Have a great day Roseline….
Keep in touch
God bless
Ken, His Loyal Servant, Pohang, Korea
Jun22, 2007
News from Matthias
Nr. 21; Juni 2007
Liebe Brüder, auch wenn wir uns eine Zeitlang nicht sehen konnten, waren wir in Gedanken immer bei euch. Weil wir euch aber unbedingt wiedersehen wollten, haben wir alles mögliche unternommen, um zu euch zu reisen.
1. Th 2,17
Liebe Freunde
Glücklicherweise ist das Reisen heute, im Vergleich zur Zeit von Paulus, um einiges einfacher geworden. Ja, mit einem Fuss stehen wir praktisch schon im Flugzeug! Am Montag, 9. Juli 2007 werden wir in der Schweiz ankommen. Wow... Herzklopfen! Zurück ins Heidiland! Doch bevor wir die Alpen wieder sehen können, haben wir hier in Japan noch ein paar andere Berge vor uns – Wohnung auflösen, Möbel verstauen und Freunden „Sayonara“ sagen. Vom 14. bis zum 28. Juni wird auch von der SAM Leitung Rico Garzotto und Laure Horisberger für verschiedene Gespräche mit der Domei, mit New Hope und unserem Team nach Japan kommen. Wir sind dankbar, wenn ihr für die verschiedenen Treffen und Gespräche von Rico und Laure betet.
Im April hatten wir einigen Besuch. Es hat uns natürlich besonders gefreut, dass es meiner Cousine, Stephanie, in Japan sehr gefallen hat. Auch das japanische Essen hat ihr wunderprächtig geschmeckt. Christian, der schon einmal für einen Kurzzeiteinsatz mit der SAM in Japan war, kam nun ein zweites Mal, um seiner Frau Therese dieses Land vorzustellen. Beiden hat es sehr gut gefallen. Besonders schön war es, Lotti, die als Missionarin mit der ÜMG für viele Jahre in Japan gedient hat, in Tokio begrüssen zu dürfen. Ich musste staunen wie schnell Lotti mit den Japanern ins Gespräch kam und immer auch gerade den passenden Flyer in der Tasche hatte. Unser Freund Martin, der für einige Jahre in Tokio als Bäckermeister gearbeitet hat, verbrachte auch eine gesegnete Zeit in Japan, und konnte viele seiner japanischen Freunde wieder sehen.
Unsere Zeit bei den Eltern, Geschwistern und Freunden von Yoko in Kanazawa haben wir sehr genossen. Auch meine Predigt in einer Gemeinde, die zum Gemeindeverband gehört in dem Yoko aufgewachsen ist, wurde gelobt. Die Japaner sind einfach zu höflich... Im Gebiet, wo Yokos Grossmutter lebt, gab es im April ein grosses Erdbeben. Viele Gebäude wurden stark beschädigt und es ist wirklich ein Wunder, dass dabei nur eine Person ums Leben kam. Mit der Natur lässt es sich in Japan nicht spassen – Erdbeben, Tsunamis, Taifune, Vulkanausbrüche – nichts, was es da nicht gibt!
Einem kleinen Vulkanausbruch kommt auch unser kurzes Praktikum in der New Hope Gemeinde gleich. Da sprüht es nur so von Liebe in Aktion. Junge Menschen mit einer klaren Vision setzen ihre Gaben für Christus ein! Da schmilzt mein Herz! Wir packen an wo wir können – bei der Sonntagsschule, beim Dekorieren und Aufbauen für den Gottesdienst, der immer in einem für den Sonntag gemieteten Raum stattfindet. Auch bei den Teamsitzungen und beim Männertreff bin ich dabei. Am 1. Juli wird es zum 3. Geburtstag der Gemeinde einen speziellen Gottesdienst geben. Betet, dass viele neue Menschen eingeladen werden können.
Max und Reiko Oehninger werden am 5. Juni zurück nach Japan kommen. Im Mai kamen Kensuke und Kiyoshi, zwei junge Domei Pastoren, die in der Zukunft zusammen mit der SAM in der Jugendarbeit tätig sein werden, in die Schweiz, um dort mit der SAM Leitung das Fundament dieser Arbeit zu legen und nebenbei auch die Schweiz und einige Gemeinden ein bisschen kennen lernen zu können. Zurück in Japan sind sie nun unter anderem auf der Suche nach geeigneten Räumen für die zukünftige Arbeit. Betet, dass diese neue Jugendarbeit der Domei und SAM, unter der Leitung von Oehningers, zu einem grossen Segen für viele Jugendliche in Tokio werden darf.
Von der SAM bekam ich den Auftrag einen 70-minütigen Workshop für die Missionskonferenz M7 in Aarau ( zum Thema „Buddhismus & Hinduismus“ zu leiten. Peter Sivanathan, der früher ein Hindupriester war, wird mir dabei kräftig unter die Arme greifen. Echter Fastfood - 70 Minuten für zwei grosse Weltreligionen! Einmal mehr fühle ich mich ziemlich herausgefordert! Im Moment bin ich unter anderem auch mit den Vorbereitungen dieses Workshops beschäftigt. Letzten Monat hatte ich in diesem Zusammenhang die interessante Gelegenheit mit einem buddhistischen Zen Priester zu sprechen.
In meinem letzten Rundbrief erwähnte ich, dass wir ein Auto für unseren Heimataufenthalt suchen. Zu meiner grossen Freude wurde mir prompt von verschiedener Seite Hilfe angeboten. Ihr seid wirklich ganz toll! Ein guter Freund von mir hat uns das Angebot gemacht, dass wir seinen BMW für ein Jahr brauchen dürfen. Besonders toll daran ist natürlich, dass somit das Auto auch schon richtig angeschrieben ist – BürkisMissionsWagen! :-) . Na ja, Missionar mit BMW - da komme sogar ich ins Schwitzen...
Ende Mai wurde der kleine Japan-Clip fertig, an dem mein lieber Bruder und ich seit einiger Zeit herumgebastelt haben. Tatsächlich ist Japan nur ein Gebet, nur ein Mausklick von euch entfernt! Lasst euch mit auf die Reise, mit ins Gebet nehmen:
Wir sind mit unseren Gedanken bei euch und freuen uns riesig auf ein baldies Wiedersehen mit euch allen!
Matthias & Yoko
Elia, Mia und Joel
New Updates in Hippopostman!
Please take a look at !
Now, we cover 6 stories uploaded to home page.
So, Hippo stories comes out wherever internet goes.
There will be higher tech to show movies these days,
but still i hope you like it for the time being.
8 Jun 2007
Movements of Reimer and Nobuko
Hi Roseline,
Your welcome to post the photos on your H4J site. Here are a few more.
During our stay in Japan we visited Mr. & Mrs. Suyama. We had asked you to pray for them. We had Bible studies with them for a long time. They still have not made a clear decision to accept Jesus as Saviour. So please do remember them in your prayers. We also visited several other people to whom we have witnessed to over the years but are still not Christians. Most of them are good friends, they are willing to hear about the gospel, come to Bible studies and even church events - like concerts, special meetings etc - but it seems so hard for them to make decision to believe in Jesus and accept him. There are some people who we have witnessed to for over 20 years and some even have attended church and come bible studies and they like the Christian message but they still cannot make that decision. There is something holding them back.
On Sunday May 27, I preached at the Higashi Muko Christian church in Muko City, Kyoto Fu. We helped start that church about 25 years ago. One lady (Mrs. Tamaki) whom I had baptized many years ago, but who had drifted away from the church and the faith -and had backslidden, came to hear me preach. We encouraged her to start attending church regularily again and to recommit herself to the Lord.
We also met in a home where we used to hold home Bible studies several ladies gathered and one husband who is not yet a believer. They asked me to bring a short message from the Bible.
I had asked you previously to pray for the the church in Kameoka city, Kyoto Fu. In 1989 we started a small church there and built a really nice small building. We ministered there until 1995. Then a Japanese pastor took over. Then there were some divisions & dissatisfactions, most of the people left and the pastor resigned. Now the church building is standing empty and is boarded up. It is a very sad sight. The denomination (Japan Baptist conference) is considering tearing down the building and selling the property. We have been praying that maybe another christian group would buy or rent the building so a christian witness and ministry could be carried on there. For us it would be very sad to see that building torn down. If you would join us in prayer for that we would appreciate it. If you would know of any Christian group, church or denomination that is interested in doing evangelism in that area that would be wonderful.
Right now we are back in Winnipeg, Canada. We are involved with my home church - Mission Baptist church and are also fellowshipping with and helping a small Japanese church. We plan to be back in Japan from about July 20 - Sept 15. We will stay at our small cabin (small summer house) by Lake Biwa in Shiga Pref. I have promised several churches that we would be available to help them with their ministry during the summer and possibly preach for some pastors who will go on summer vacation.
I haven't written very often, but we are always glad to hear from you and from Heart 4 Japan so please do keep sending us your emails.
Sincerely in the Lord,
Reimer Clausen
(with greetings from Nobuko)
Jun 6, 2007
Sophee and Attakorn
日本富山:志基 & Joyce家書
5月份香港的天氣必定很熱 及潮濕,而富山已踏入了春天,天氣雖然回暖了很多很多,已經不用開暖爐,但是日溫差很大。早上天氣清涼大約15度,中午太陽猛烈之時氣溫升達28度,但一到黃昏氣溫便回跌到13度。這樣的天氣真的很容易生病啊!
我們的包租婆將會明年改建房子,所以我們必須08年前搬走。剛巧教會附近的政府公屋快將落成,我們計劃申請入住。因為房子不單位於教會附近,而且租金非常便宜,設施又完善。請大家為我們祈禱吧 Let's pray
上週星期五到星期日我們四個香港人出發到福井去,主要的目的是為未來七月短宣隊鋪路。合作的教會在當地的旅遊區接管了一個基督教centre, 夏天在那裏可以舉辦很多不同的傳福音活動。請為七月的短宣準備祈禱。
MBC教會的Joshua牧師一家正在加拿大探親及放假 ,我們都要分擔教會的工作,Joyce會協助教英文班,而志基今個星日會在教會講道,當然要翻譯啦!請為我們的服事祈禱!
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基時 (joyce) (阿基)